Ok, let me say this was supposed to be a post of Moros y Cristianos but when I started cooking tonight and got to the point I needed my black beans, I turned around and realized in my rush to head off to work this morning I forgot to put the water in the bowl to soak them. In an attempt to save my big mistake, I rumaged thru the cabinets and came up with a can of Great Northern Beans. It worked and tasted great but, cannot really be called Moros y Cristianos.

So, I sauted a chopped Onion, 1 roasted Green Bell Pepper, 4 minced cloves Garlic, 1 1/2 tsp Cumin, 1 tsp Thyme, some crushed red Chipotle peppers and a bay leaf...
Stirred in 1 can Tomatoes and Chilis, 1 cup Rice, 1 can Great Northern Beans (yes should have been Black beans), 2 cups chicken stock, 1ish Tbsp Cider Vinegar, Salt and Pepper to taste, some Pimento stuffed Green Olives and some Capers. Simmered 20 minutes and here it is...
The end result tasted great. So, even with mistakes (and believe me I have made plenty) all is not ruined and dinner can be saved. I just have to be flexible...
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