Thursday, March 5, 2009


Find your cured gourd...

Fill with some Mate...

Invert and shake gently to settle fine particles to the current bottom...

Roll to the side and gently tap to get large stems up...

Insert bombilla...

Moisten Mate with cold water. Patiently wait (2-3 minutes) for the leaves to absorb the cold water...

Fill with hot water. Not boiling! Drink. Refill. Repeat.
Repeat until Mate is flat.
It is advisable to have several gourds so they can dry properly between uses. Sucking on a moldy gourd is no fun. After use rinse with hot water, dry with a paper towel. Leave a crumpled up paper towel inside of the gourd overnight to help it dry out.


  1. Mate tastes like moldy straw to me, but if you can handle the taste it's great stuff.

  2. Perhaps vegetal or even grassy would be better descriptors than moldy straw but hey I like green tea too.
